Erin Human is an unschooling mom of two and she joins me this week to talk about her experiences with unschooling and autism. Erin has an autistic son, and was diagnosed with autism herself as an adult. She’s also a wonderful artist and is the art director for Autism Women’s Network, as well as co-founding director of Autistic Families International. We dive into her family’s journey to unschooling, her autism diagnosis, why unschooling is such a great fit for autistic children, ways unschooling groups can be more welcoming to autistic children, and lots more!
Quote of the Week
“I actually think that autistic children are a perfect fit for unschooling. I really see the foundation of unschooling as being that relationship of mutual trust and respect between parents and children. I think that is really the bedrock of unschooling, and that is the way that autistic children really thrive is to have that relationship with their parents where you trust that your child’s unique perceptions are valid and that their unique way of being is a valid way to be.” ~ Erin Human
Questions for Erin
Can you share with us a bit about you and your family?
How did you discover unschooling and what did your family’s move to unschooling look like?
You have a great post on your blog about your own autism diagnosis. Can you share with us a bit about that journey?
Could you share a little bit about the pros and cons that you found about going through the diagnosis?
You also have a really interesting post about the language used around autism, specifically around the word “disabled,” which informed the title for this podcast episode. Can you talk about why you don’t shy away from the word?
In unschooling groups, I pretty regularly see questions like, “Will unschooling work for my autistic child?” How do you answer that question? What are some of the benefits of unschooling for autistic children?
As an unschooling mom with autism, can you share some of the day-to-day supports that you’ve found helpful?
Can you share some ideas about ways unschooling groups can be more welcoming to autistic children?
Links to things mentioned in the show
Peter Gray’s book, Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life
Erin’s blog post, Neurodivergent
Erin mentioned the blog, Musings of an Aspie
Erin’s blog post, #SayTheWord, Not “Special Needs”
Heather Lake’s podcast episode
Erin’s website/blog, and the Facebook page
Erin’s also on Twitter
You can also see her work on the Autism Women’s Network Facebook page
Episode Transcript
I tried to have a conversation with Sandra Dodd last year about why unschooling is perfect for autistic families. She called me one of those moms who want to get attention by lableing their child. Hmm, maybe Erin can enlighten her. Thanks for the work you do , Pam.
Yes Love Erin’s quote and this is totally our experience.
iam a mum with a autistic son he is 10 suffers from alot of different things but not going to school he has excelled in so many ways unschooling is perfect for him he learns from everything and everyday things and feels safe and secure cause he is with us ,