Jen Kobrick connected with me recently and suggested an episode about the idea of unschooling in the early years—before kids reach school age. Her son is almost three and she so beautifully explained why she thought it was a valuable topic that I asked if she’d be interested in talking about it with me. I was thrilled she said yes! We have a great conversation about her experience with attachment parenting through toddlerhood, ways to approach various parenting challenges through connection, like bedtimes, sharing, and technology, the conventional push for early childhood education, and lots more.
Questions for Jen
Can you share with us a bit about you and your family?
How did you discover unschooling?
I’ve mentioned in the past how attachment parenting can transition pretty seamlessly into unschooling as children hit school age. But that’s been based more on my reading about attachment theory than experience because I didn’t come across the concept of attachment parenting until my kids were older, and now they’re all in their twenties. So, it’s been a while! You’re engaged in attachment parenting circles right now, so I’d love to hear your perspective. Have you found the attachment parenting and unschooling mindsets diverging as your son enters toddlerhood?
Why do you think this becomes more pronounced in toddlerhood?
I’d love to dive into a few examples with you! Can you share some ideas for parents who are looking to work together with their young children rather than gently controlling them to do—or not do—the “thing.” Let’s start with bedtimes.
How about sharing? How do you approach that through connection rather than control?
What about brushing teeth?
And lastly, what tips do you have with regards to young children and technology?
Conventionally, there’s a big push for early childhood education. I suspect you’ve felt that already, and I was curious how you respond to it through the lens of unschooling.
Before we go, are there any more ways that you find the unschooling mindset valuable for approaching your days, even though your child isn’t school age?
Links to things mentioned in the show
Jen’s fun Facebook page, Adventures En Pointe
Episode Transcript
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