Deb Rossing and Pat Robinson are unschooling moms I’ve known online for many years and have also met in person at unschooling conferences. This episode came about because I’ve had a few listeners suggest the topic of unschooling an only child, but since I have three kids I don’t have much experience to share on this particular topic, so I’m excited they both agreed to chat about it!
Quote of the Week
“I don’t think it’s better with an only child, it’s just different than having siblings.” ~ Pat Robinson
Questions for Deb and Pat
Can you each share with us a bit about you and your family and how you discovered unschooling?
What did your family’s move to unschooling look like?
Since an only child spends their home time hanging out with adults, did you worry about them having the opportunity to socialize with other kids? If so, did you do anything to address that?
At home with an only child, you are, in essence, your child’s only playmate. Did you feel that way often? Were there times when they wanted to play or do things you didn’t enjoy? If so, how did you handle those moments?
As parents of an only child, you are the people they come to for engagement—to share their thoughts, play their games, express their emotions and so on. I imagine that can sometimes feel overwhelming. Can you share some of the ways you found to keep yourself refreshed and energized?
At this point, what has been the most surprising thing about your unschooling journey?
Links to Things Mentioned in the Show
Rick Rossing’s episode, EU010: Unschooling Dads with Rick Rossing
Pat’s friend’s resources: Mothering magazine, Bradley birth method
Pat read The Continuum Concept
Deb’s on Facebook
Pat’s Facebook group, Heal Thyself
Episode Transcript
I know this is a couple years old, but so glad I came across it. I’m having a really hard time switching to unschooling. My son was in public school for 3 years and we are starting our 4th year homeschooling. I started out doing school at home. Then became more eclectic. Then slightly more relaxed. This year I wanted to do Project Based Homeschooling, but I kind of got away from that and fell into unschooling. I feel like my son and I are both becoming just incredibly lazy and spend too much time on digital devices…whether learning or for entertainment. I’m struggling, but will find my way eventually.
Thank you for your podcast!
I’m glad you’re enjoying the podcast, Evonne! I think it’s going to be so helpful to learn more about unschooling and how it works. That’s a good place to focus as you embrace deschooling.
I suspect you’ll come to see yourselves, not as lazy, but as engaged and contemplative. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with how much time you’re spending on digital devices, explore that for a while. Notice what you’re doing on them and how you’re feeling. Make some different choices and ask yourself the same questions. I think you’ll find your way to the place where you’re making real choices, ones you’re comfortable with, rather than judging yourself as “defaulting to the lazy thing.” Regardless of how much actual time you’re spending on digital devices. Because it’s not about the measuring the amount of time, it’s about knowing why you’re choosing the things you’re doing. 🙂
All the best!