Virginia Warren’s two daughters have never been to school. We have great fun diving into their journey to unschooling, her biggest stumbling block along the way, her perspective as a gamer mom, what’s surprised her most so far, what her favourite thing about unschooling is right now, and lots more!
Questions for Virginia
Can you share with us a bit about you and your family?
How did you discover unschooling and what did your family’s move to unschooling look like?
What was your biggest stumbling block on the road to understanding unschooling?
A mutual friend recently described you as a “gamer mom.” I really enjoy watching my kids play video games, but my personal skills top out at Animal Crossing and Phoenix Wright. I’d love to hear about your experience and perspective on video games.
What has surprised you most so far about how unschooling has unfolded in your lives?
What’s your favourite thing about your unschooling lifestyle right now?
Links to things mentioned in the show
Livre para Aprender: Cinco Ideias para uma Vida Unschooling Feliz, the Portuguese translation of Free to Learn, is now available in both ebook and print editions!
Sandra Dodd’s website
Virginia is a fan of Alfie Kohn, author of Punished by Rewards, and Unconditional Parenting
You can find her on Facebook in the groups Radical Unschooling Info and Unschooling Q and A
Episode Transcript
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