Anna Brown joins me this week to dive into listener questions!
Question Summaries
Mom hears many parents on the podcast talking about hanging out with their kids so much more now that they’re unschooling. But since she stopped limiting screen time back in January, her boys, 15, 13, and 10, play online games. Her question: “Will they ever stop playing computer games so we can hang out together?!!! Nothing is as enticing as disappearing off into a fantasy land with their mates online ALL day. I feel fed up and I see much less of them than when they were at school last June.”
Dad is wondering if it’s safe/wise/possible for parents who are themselves very laid back and relaxed to unschool their kids. What if the parents lack that motivation/drive, and ‘leave it to the kids to find their own way’?
Mom is considering unschooling her 14-year-old. He hates school and has trouble with critical thinking and reading comprehension, but she wonders if it’s too late to get started.
Mom is a type A personality and avid “rule follower” who started homeschooling last year. She’d love to dive fully into unschooling but is struggling with falling back on her old beliefs and fears.
Things discussed in the episode
Pam mentioned the video game compilation episode
Anna mentioned the interview with Amy Martinez
Episode transcript
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