My son Michael joins me this week to talk about his experience growing up unschooling! We had a lot of fun diving into his varied interests, the threads that weave through them, and how they have helped shape the person he is today. We also talk about his experience with type 1 diabetes and our unschooling approach, he shares what he appreciates about growing up unschooling, and lots more!
Questions for Michael
Can you share with us a bit of an introduction?
As you were growing up unschooling, what were some of your interests, and how did you pursue them?
What was it that caught your interest with karate, and how did that interest grow and change over the years?
I think diving into any passion can be a wonderful way to learn so much about ourselves. And that understanding applies everywhere in our lives. Can you share your experience with that?
When you were 11, you developed type 1 diabetes. When it comes to our kids health, it can be super tempting for parents to control things even more closely. I chose to continue with our unschooling approach to food, and to actively support you making choices around your care, like medical devices. It did make for some interesting appointments at the diabetes clinic
though, didn’t it? Though they were always supportive, even when they didn’t understand our crazy ways. What are your thoughts about how those different approaches (top-down control vs bottom-up support) tend to play out?
You have quite a few interests: martial arts, parkour, music, programming, philosophy, spirituality. Have I missed any big ones? Is there a thread or two you see that connects them?
At this point, what do you appreciate about living an unschooling lifestyle growing up?
As a grown unschooler, what piece of advice would you like to share with unschooling parents who are just starting out on this journey?
Things mentioned in the episode
Find Michael on Instagram
Watch his stunt demo reel
Check out the The Living Joyfully Network
Episode transcript
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