Missy Willis, a longtime unschooling mom of two, joins me again on the podcast this week to share more about her unschooling journey. We talk about the way that unschooling leads us to question everything, from conventional parenting and education to productivity and success. And we dive deep into a few common misconceptions about peaceful parenting. Missy also shares several mantras that she has found valuable and grounding as a parent.
It was so much fun to catch up with Missy and to dig into some of the foundational concepts of unschooling and parenting!
Questions for Missy
Can you share with us a bit about you and your family? What is everybody interested in right now?
When we connected for this call, you mentioned that one of the things you like about unschooling is how it not only leads people to question the education system, but eventually other systems as well. I’d love to hear about your experience with this.
As we dive into deeper deschooling, we come to question the conventional wisdom that surrounds parenting. I think there are a couple of misconceptions about this more peaceful approach to parenting that can get in our way at first. One is that peaceful parenting means our “goal” is to eliminate conflict. Another is that peaceful is akin to passive. But neither of those is true, is it?
I saw your recent post about mantras on Instagram and I was hoping you could share a few of your favorites and why you find them helpful.
What has surprised you most about how unschooling has unfolded for your family so far?
What is your favourite thing about your unschooling days right now?
Things mentioned in the episode
Missy’s first episode, EU155: Let ‘Em Go Barefoot with Missy Willis
TED Talk “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” with Sir Ken Robinson
Missy’s Instagram post about mantras
Let ‘Em Go Barefoot Facebook page, Instagram page, and website
Submit your question here for an upcoming Q&A episode!
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The Network is a wonderful online community for parents to connect and engage in candid conversations about living and learning through the lens of unschooling. Our shared goals are to embrace lifelong learning, develop strong and connected relationships with our children, and cultivate a thriving unschooling lifestyle in our families.
This month, our theme is The Treasure of Time and we’re exploring it through the lenses of expectations and flow.
If you’re curious to learn more, click here!
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