Zach and Heather Lake join me this week to talk about Zach’s journey from reluctant spouse to unschooling advocate. Heather has been on the podcast before taking about her deschooling journey, and after the episode she mentioned that her husband has had quite the journey as well. It occurred to me that it would be interesting to have them on together to talk about his journey from both their perspectives. We talk about how Zach learned about unschooling, how Heather shared information with him, which ways he found most helpful, Zach’s most memorable a-ha moment, how unschooling feels right now for both them, and lots more.
Questions for Zach and Heather
Can you give us a quick re-introduction to you and your family?
Homeschooling was initially Gavin’s idea, right? What were each of your initial reactions to the idea?
Heather, how did you go about learning about homeschooling and unschooling?
Zach, how were you learning about homeschooling and unschooling? Was it mostly through Heather?
Heather, as you shared unschooling information with Zach, which seemed to be the most helpful ways to go about it?
Zach, was that your experience as well? What were some of the most useful ways you learned more about unschooling? Reading? Conversations? Observing your children in action? Was there anything that got in the way?
Zach, can you share your biggest a-ha moment? That moment when a valuable piece of the unschooling puzzle fell into place and your understanding took a big leap?
How does unschooling feel for each of you now?
Links to things mentioned in the show
Heather’s previous podcast episode, EU101: Deschooling with Heather Lake
Heather’s Facebook page, Learning at the Lake House
And if you’re unschooling in Omaha, check out Heather’s Facebook group, Omaha Unschoolers
Episode Transcript
This was great to hear from a reluctant parent, thank you.
As I listened, I started to wonder, what does Zach think he might have thought if all, or any one, of his children had found their passion to be playing video games…most of the day, every day?
Thanks for the question Carol. I am fully of the belief that learning can occur anywhere and everywhere. Our kids use iPads and play games like Roblox and Minecraft and there are tons of opportunities for learning. And if there passion ends up being video games then we should encourage them to explore all avenues of it from game design to marketing to time management.