Tatiana Plechenko is an unschooling mom with two children. I met Tatiana online pretty early in her unschooling journey and then had the pleasure of connecting with her in person a few times at unschooling events. We have a really fun conversation, diving into her deschooling experience, including her most challenging area, how her relationships with her kids have changed, what has surprised her most, her favourite thing right now, and lots more!
Questions for Tatiana
Can you share with us a bit about you and your family?
How did you discover unschooling and what did your family’s move to unschooling look like?
What was the most challenging area of deschooling for you? How did you work through it?
Can you share a bit about your husband’s journey? Was this style of parenting and learning all new for him?
How has your relationship with your children changed since you began unschooling?
What has surprised you most about your journey so far?
What’s your favourite thing about your unschooling days right now?
Links to things mentioned in the show
registration is now OPEN for the Childhood Redefined Unschooling Summit
Naomi Aldort’s book, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves
Pam’s email series became a free book: What is Unschooling?
Ryan Holiday’s book, The Obstacle is the Way
Tatiana’s blog, soulfulconnections.ca and her Facebook page
Episode Transcript
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