Max VerNooy grew up unschooling. I’ve known Max’s family for many years, online and through unschooling gatherings, and I’m so happy he agreed to chat with me about his experience growing up unschooling. We talk about the ebb and flow of his interests through the years, his time mentoring at an unschooling summer camp, and how, looking back, the journey of following his passions led him to the fulfilling career he has now.
Questions for Max
Can you share with us a bit about your family?
As you were growing up unschooling, what were some of your interests, and how did you pursue them?
What was it that caught your interest with karate, and how did that interest grow over the years?
Diving into any passion like that helps us learn so much about ourselves, was that what you found?
You’re working full-time as a karate instructor right now. I’d just like to hear a little bit more about how you decided that you wanted to go forward with that as you were going in and out of karate as an interest.
What drew you to being a mentor at the East Tennessee Unschooled Summer Camp? What excites you about doing that?
As a grown unschooler, what piece of advice would you like to share with unschooling parents who are just starting out on this journey?
Links to things mentioned in the show
Natasha’s blog post, Technology: Trust Over Fear, and her podcast episode
ETUSC, East Tennessee Unschooled Summer Camp, hosted by Laura Bowman (for unschooling teens)
Max is on Facebook
Episode Transcript
Final fantasy 11 yes!!!!! I also played that game like a part time job! Great use of video games fro inner self reflection.
It was a mainstay here as well! 🙂