This week, I’ve put together a compilation episode with answers to a question I ask many of the unschooling dads who are on the podcast: As an unschooling dad, what piece of advice would you like to share with dads who are considering or just starting out on this journey?
And I love the range of answers! Trusting our kids and letting more of the world in. Getting involved with our kids and sharing our passions. Empowering yourself by learning how unschooling works. Balancing protectiveness with trust. Understanding that humans are naturally curious. And giving yourself permission to question your gut.
They share so many wonderful insights and I think everyone, wherever they are on their journey, will find them inspiring!
Audio clips taken from these episodes …
EU154: Unschooling Dads and Documentaries with Jeremy Stuart
EU167: Unschooling Dads with Ben Lovejoy
EU214: Unschooling Dads with Bob Mahan
EU239: Unschooling Dads with Roop Bhadury
EU289: Unschooling Dads with Izaak Sibley
EU308: Unschooling Dads with Philip Mott
EU128: Reluctant Spouse to Unschooling Advocate with Zach & Heather Lake
The Living Joyfully Network community
The Network is a wonderful online community for parents to connect and engage in candid conversations about living and learning through the lens of unschooling. Our shared goals are to embrace lifelong learning, develop strong and connected relationships with our children, and cultivate a thriving unschooling lifestyle in our families.
This month, our theme is Cultivating Self Awareness and we’re exploring it through the lenses of curiosity and acceptance.
If you’re curious to learn more, click here
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